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Written by on 26/10/2010

Margaret Smith and Edna McIntyre popped into the studio on Thursday night to discuss their experience of breast cancer and to promote the fund raising coffee morning  they where holding on Saturday 23rd October.

Both ladies where diagnosed with breast cancer during the latest testing sessions in Cowal. They admitted they nearly didn’t go and are so glad they changed their minds. During their treatment they found out just how many women don’t go for the 3 yearly testing which is why they where keen to come on the radio to share their experiences and stress to other women how important it is to go for testing.  Especially with the new equipment which is detecting smaller tumours and therefore easier to treat with a higher success rate.

Maragret making sure everyone is well fed and watered.

The coffee morning was a great success with many people coming to give their support as well as enjoying the wonderful home baking. Of course where there is home baking there is Victor who on this occassion was joined by DCR presenter Simon. Victor and Simon made the usual bee line to the baking stall then coffee and cake but on this occassion even representing Dunoons No1 radio station didn’t help. The hall was so packed they had to wait for a table untill it was nearly all over, thank goodness though that the  many volunteers who had baked had baked enough for every one to pick from a mouthwatering selection .The morning event lasting just two hours raised nearly £1200 for Breast Cancer Care.

If you wish more information about breast cancer care visit their web site

Edna with her daughter trying to guess the age of the bunny

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