When we closed the door for our Christmas and New Year holiday none of the volunteers thought we would not re-open till now. Now that Covid restrictions are to be lifted to allow shops like ours to re-open the volunteers have been busy ensuring that the Hillfoot Street Radio Charity shop still complies with all […]
Celebrating CEBs Stirling work with older people for 25 years this year -‘Lunch with Jacques Cousteau and other Stories a book of memories and stories written by older people in Cowal and Bute Lunch with Jacques Cousteau and other Stories’, is a book of memories and stories written by older people in Cowal and Bute. […]

For full daily line up and much more information :

The Celtic Connections online festival will across 19 days, present over 30 online performances between Friday 15th January and Tuesday 2nd February 2021. World class concerts will be available to view online with some of the biggest names on the Scottish music scene and beyond appearing on screens across the world as part of the […]
The Community Radio awards launched in 2014 setup to celebrate Community Radio and all the hard work and time that the volunteers involved in community radio put Across a wide variety of specialisms and topics, a shortlisting in the awards is recognition of a commitment to community, craft and causes. More than 460 entries from […]
THE RADIO CHARITY SHOP-HILLFOOT STREET IS NOW OPEN It’s been a long time since March, when we thought it was the best to close the shop mindful of the well-being of our volunteers and customers, none of us thought it wouldn’t be until late September till we opened up again. We have now refurbished the […]
The Adventures of Captain Bobo series is about to launch on here on Dunoon Community Radio, written by R. D. Dikstra & Kay Hutchison with Illustrations by Matt Rowe they are inspired by the iconic PS Waverley, the world’s last seagoing passenger-carrying paddle steamer and the tales told by Kay’s father, Captain Robin ‘Hurricane Hutch’ […]
GETTING READY FOR A NEW BEGINNING TOGETHER When we closed the shop early March mindful of the well-being of our volunteers and customers none of us thought it wouldn’t be until August till we looked to opening up again. Now into the fourth week of Scotland’s Phase 3 of the route map for coming out […]