Written by Victor Thomas on 19/04/2021
Celebrating CEBs Stirling work with older people for 25 years this year -‘Lunch with Jacques Cousteau and other Stories a book of memories and stories written by older people in Cowal and Bute
Lunch with Jacques Cousteau and other Stories’, is a book of memories and stories written by older people in Cowal and Bute. Now available from CEBs and Bookpoint in Dunoon for £5. CEBs have been distributing complimentary copies to befriending friends this week. The beautiful illustrations have been provided by local schools, nurseries and older people and are the first part of our ‘Tree of Hope’ intergenerational project. CEBs are very grateful to all those who submitted their wonderful memories, local schools and nurseries for their beautifully decorated ‘leaf’ illustrations, Age Scotland for their support and for funding the printing costs, Bookpoint Dunoon 01369702377 for very kindly stocking the book for no commission, Argyll Talking Newspapers for working on the audio version (which will be available soon), and Andy Crossan for the design. CEBs has been working with older people for 25 years this year – ‘Lunch with Jacques Cousteau…’ is their celebration