Written by Archie Fergusson on 29/07/2017
If you are amongst the many listeners who listening to and enjoyed the Weegie Wednesday stories that DCR97.4FM broadcast via the Hospital Broadcasting Service and included as part of Robert Craws Showtime Spectacular shows you will welcome the latest update from the local Burgh Hall Players
The group was formed last Autumn 2016 with support and assistance from Ann Campbell and Jenny Hunter of the Burgh Hall Trust and held their first AGM in April of this year
The Players plan to rehearse in the Burgh Hall and to put on several more plays there this year and to build on the success of the sell-out performance of the play A Bit Of Land which took place in June.
The Burgh Hall Players have since joined the prestigious Scottish Community Drama Association (SCDA), with a view to reviving a long tradition in Cowal of not just performing but also entering drama competitions.
This weekend saw seventeen of the Burgh Hall Players welcoming Carole Williams from SCDA to lead the first drama workshop and Dunoon Community Radio presenter Victor experienced his very first drama workshop DCR97.4FM welcomes members of the players to the John Street broadcasting studio where the players will soon be presenting regular programmes to keep listeners up to date