Written by Archie Fergusson on 18/07/2015
You may remember at the beginning of the month reading in the Dunoon Observer and Argyllshire Standard that the Argyll and Bute Council had invited the Dunoon Pier Community Trust to form an advisory partnership group .In a follow up to that news it has been confirmed in this weeks Dunoon Observer and Argyllshire Standard (Friday 17th July) that the trust has responded to the councils invitation welcoming the council working in partnership with the trust.
We are looking forward to someone on behalf of the trust coming into the Dunoon Community Radio studio to speak to the listeners, in the meantime Jim MacLean on behalf of the trust has sent us the official statement for our listeners and would also like to remind everyone that If anyone wishes to proffer any ideas prior to a public engagement meeting or has any views they might wish to communicate to the Trust in regard to the future of the pier or might wish to be involved in some manner in the future, then in the first instance please contact him by email at jim@dunoon-observer.com
“The Dunoon Pier Community Trust welcomes Argyll & Bute’s recently stated commitment to its working with the Trust in partnership, to ensure the future well-being of Dunoon’s historic pier.
“The Trust is committed to ensuring the longevity of the pier and to investigating ways of preserving, utilising and renovating the pier and its immediate area, supporting sympathetic development and promoting the renaissance of the area.
“It is hoped that the pier can again become an attraction as the gateway into Dunoon, Cowal and the wider Argyll area, encouraging visitors to come to the town, which in itself will help boost the local economy. Restoring the historic and iconic pier and its buildings will give a sense of purpose and pride in the community and will lend itself to future investment and employment prospects.
“The Trust will endeavour to promote the pier for recreational purposes and as a community and heritage building for the general use and benefit of all the inhabitants of and visitors to the town and surrounding area and as a sustainable and vibrant addition to the economic future of Dunoon and the wider area.
“This is a fantastic opportunity to push forward an asset that has been dormant for some time and Argyll & Bute Council is to be congratulated in taking the first steps towards the renovation and upgrading of the pier .”
“The Trust hopes to be in a position soon to hold a public meeting, to both gauge and galvanise public opinion, on the subject, in the area, to get feedback from them and to bring on-board those who feel passionately about bringing the pier back to life for the benefit of all,” said Jim MacLean, on behalf of the Dunoon Pier Community Trust.”