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Written by on 19/09/2015

As recorded on the Facebook page on the Church of Scotland Official Page Church of Scotland General Assembly Moderator the Right Rev Angus Morrison was in Dunoon this week with his wife Marion on a Presbytery of Argyll Tour. During his tour he found time to talk to a local Gaelic speaking group who amongst its members include DCR presenters Frlly and Mary from The Mod Saga and DCR volunteer Aline.

Rev Dr Angus Morrison Mod Squad

He also spent a very enjoyable morning meeting children at Sandbank Primary School Gaelic language unit, as a speaker himself; Dr Morrison enjoyed a good wee chat with the youngsters

Rev Dr Angus Morrison Sandbank School.



Beside his Presbytery tour there was time to visit the office of Dunoon charity HELP which as we know supports 16-25 year olds who are homeless, in danger of being so or coming out of care, and was given a presentation of the organisation’s work by manager Janet MacKellar,

Jannet and HELP

Time was also spent visiting Invereck House, a residential home run by Crossreach for older people with dementia were the Moderator was presented with a set of Dunoon mugs by Mrs Elma Whyte and Mrs Marion Morrison was presented with flowers by Mrs Marjory Roy


invereck 2