Written by Archie Fergusson on 19/05/2015
We think most folk in Dunoon and further afield know of the great work the Dunoon Baptist Church do for the young folk in the area, we know they are not the only folk doing this but the more folk doing this is it not for the better?
The Baptist Church seem to be putting a great effort into providing future facilities for youngsters with ambitious plans for a fit for purpose new building known as the Gateway Project. Whilst they are busy raising the funding for this youth and community centre they are also looking at funding for a youth worker and some additional funds for hiring additional premises, the existing building not able to cope with the demand. Whilst waiting for the new build they want to continue and expand their activities providing both sustainable and engaging youth events to enable young people to make the most of their own lives, this is required now today. To help out on this occasion just follow the link, register and vote Thank from all at Dunonn Community Radio