Written by Archie Fergusson on 15/12/2013
Each year NaNoWriMo an annual (November) novel writing project brings together professional and amateur writers from all over the world.
Throughout the month of November Carol Sterling and Victor where joined in the DCR97.4FM Argyll Street Studio by Kerrie Noor who you could say is the nearest DCR has to a resident author when she brought the listeners up to date in her quest to raise funds for Alzheimer Scotland by writing a Novel the title being NEVER ON A MONDAY within the month of November.
Each time Kerrie told us a little more about Nefertiti and Rodger the main characters from the book.
There was a terrible accident not involving a chandelier and Rodger was taken into hospital…….. …………..Nefertiti took the opportunity to discover the secrets of the Garden Shed …………. We were also introduced to Shifty so called for his talent of being able to shift things as those two Salmon that jumped out of the Loch right into your arms and Conway who unknown to Nefertiti knew Rodger in a previous life when he was a policeman who’s obsession was to put Rodger behind bars.
We also heard how along with new partners in “crime” Nefertiti managed to gain access to the Garden Shed as Rodger was finding a unique way to converse with his fellow patient in hospital Mohammad We also heard how Nefertiti had arranged a private sitting with DCR presenter and top Scottish Psychic Medium Carol at a local event .
The book is now finished 50,000 words in 30 days; that is 12,500 words a week 1,786 words a DAY!!!!!!
As the editing process now begins Kerrie is back in the DCR97.4FM Argyll Street Studio for a special programme when she will be joined by Victor ,Carol and Frlly all keen to hear Kerrie read exctracts from the book.
Love them or not, you cannot ignore them .
may contain adult themes and can become addictive.
Wednesday 18th December 5.oopm