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Local Interest

Written by on 04/12/2010

Dunoons Past

We would love to hear your stories of how you remember Dunoon, whether you have emigrated, heard about it from your relations, come on holiday here or have lived here all your life.

People have been coming to and leaving Dunoon for many generations, from the time it was a small costal hamlet, to when it became a popular holiday resort for Glaswegians, to the arrival of the American Navy in the Sixties. It is actually very hard to go anywhere in the world and not bump into somebody who has been to Dunoon many joining the influx of people for Cowal Games.

We will not be forgetting Rabbie who had his own links to Dunoon with his true love Highland Mary.

So if you have any memories, stories or photographs you would like to share please send them to us either via the comments option or email them to

Highland Mary StatueFerry at Dunoon Pier

Pictures reproduced from the Community Councils Guide to Dunoon from the 1950’s, showing Highland Mary’s Statue and holiday makers arriving on the ferry at the pier.

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