Written by Archie Fergusson on 19/08/2016
—-Kirn Gala are proud to announce that to help celebrate Dunoon’s longest Established Biggest Charitable Event, the The Cowal Pipe Band the Dunoon Argyll Pipe Band will for the Kirn Gala Twenty First Anniversary join forces to present a special Set joining the Events Entertainment entertainment which will also include The Dunoon Grammar School Pipe Band.
As reported in the Observer recently Dunoon will only be represented by one Pipe Band this year at the prestigious World Famous Cowal Highland Gathering. Dunoon Grammar School who recently competed at The Pipe Band World Championships obtaining a very respectable sixth place in their drumming performance in their grade.
Until recently we were blessed with three Pipe Bands here in Dunoon The Cowal Pipe Band the Dunoon Argyll Pipe Band and as mentioned the Dunoon Grammar School Pipe Band.
Unfortunately The Cowal Pipe Band the Dunoon Argyll Pipe Band are in the process of re-building their bands but are very aware that the absence of the bands not performing publicly is leading to speculation that there is only One Band in Town.
Whilst the Dunoon Grammar School are out their competing flying the flag for Dunoon as they will be at the Gathering competing in the Novice Juvenile the two other Bands are working hard recruiting, teaching new bands folk, rehearsing, raising funds for equipment, looking for sponsorship and looking for opportunities to perform publicly.