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Written by on 28/09/2013

Over the years We have been involved with many Fashion Shows from organising entertainment, lighting, music, compering, some of our presenters have even strut their stuff on the cat walk but we have never organised a fashion show to help raise funding for Dunoon Community Radio.


trish award


whatever rocks your boat. award  !

This is shortly to be addressed as Trish the award winning presenter of Scotland’s top radio programme “Whatever Rocks Your Boat” in partnership with the Argyll Street Top retail Store M&Co. our first DCR97.4fm Fashion Show

M&Co logo

Over the past few years M&Co have helped raise thousands of pounds for worthy causes by hosting on their premises these fun filled entertaining nights climaxing with generous discounts for members of the audience who wish to purchase goods.

The Fashion Show is to take place on Thursday 17th October at the aforementioned Argyll Street M&Co Store more details to be announced shortly and Trish has invited listeners of Dunoon Community Radio to join her on the catwalk to help model the fashions she say’s “To qualify you just have to have listened to DCR97.4fm.  M&Co cater for all members of the family so there will be no problems is dressing you in the latest fashions ,dress rehearsals are planned for the 9th & 10th October”.


Tickets are to go on Sale but unfortunately will be limited so to avoid disappointment don’t leave it to late