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DCR Join Scottish Community Broadcast Network

Written by on 19/05/2008

Communal initiative

Last October several Scotland based community radio stations including DCR got together and requested Scotland`s Learning Partnership if they would co-ordinate a support network for local radio stations in Scotland. Scotland’s Learning Partnership arranged an inaugural meeting bringing together representatives of Scotland’s local community radio stations. After much discussion surrounding the purpose of such a network it was agreed that there was a need and a willingness amongst those in attendance to take it further.

Awareness Event At a follow up meeting it was suggested that as well as sharing knowledge and expertise the network could highlight a common problem, that of funding. It was suggested that the network could support all of the local community radio stations to come together and lobby the Scottish Government for funding. This could take the form of a sharing event with each station represented. So it was decided that an awareness event held at the Scottish Parliament with MSPs and partner providers such as the Lottery and Ofcom invited would be a good start. Scotland’s Learning Partnership agreed to help facilitate this process and to support the network.

DCR at Scottish Parliament A date has now been arranged for the awareness event to take place on Tuesday 3rd June at 5pm in the Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh. This will take the form of a reception to celebrate the success of community radio and also launch the network. The First minister has been as asked to attend if available and Dunoon community radio is hopeful of several local councilors and MPs attending to support and give their endorsement.

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