Written by Archie Fergusson on 28/06/2011
Here is another opportunity for you to have input into the future development of Dunoon and it really doesn’t take much effort even if like most of us here at DCR97.4fm typing is with one finger.
Following the recent drop-in event held on Tuesday the 21st June in the Queens Hall CHORD – Town Regeneration Project are really keen to gather comments from as many people as possible to help shape the Dunoon Waterfront plans.
Here is the link to the Argyll and Bute Council website so you can post any comments, queries or ideas you may have about any part of the project
: http://www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/forms/ask-project-team-dunoon-waterfront-june-2011
They would also like to hear from any groups or individuals who may have an interest in Dunoon Waterfront. We all have a viewpoint on this and this is a great opportunity to put it forward and have someone take your view into consideration for the future of our Waterfront and it is our Waterfront. We shall be chatting about this very soon on the LLLVLBS and if you would like your comments mentioned on air please let us know –of course any comments we receive we shall pass on to CHORD .