Written by Archie Fergusson on 05/08/2017
HERE WE ARE AT THE START OF A NEW MONTH – On the first Wednesday of each month our resident Astrologer Lynn Carter calls into the John Street Studio to tell us what she reads in the Star Events Chart — Each of us are born with an eclipse close to our date of birth.
During the month of August we will have two eclipses. The first will occur on the 7/8/17. This is a Luna Eclipse at 15 Aqiarius. This will place the Sun at 15 Leo. For thoes of you who know your charts the Sun’s placement will be the focus of whatever started 18 months ago.
On 21/8/17 there will be a Solar Eclipse at 28 Leo. The Sun and Moon are together and something new is starting, a seed is being planted. How things work out will be better understood at it’s first quarter on 22/5/18.
If you would like to contact Lynne and maybe ask a question the e-mail is