Written by Archie Fergusson on 15/11/2017
DUNOON COMMUNITY COUNCIL and STRUAN LODGE DEVELOPMENT GROUP have posted notice to advise of two Public sessions to be held Wednesday 22nd November 2017 in Dunoon Grammar School between 6pm and 9pm and Thursday 23RD November 2017 in St Muns Church Hall between 2pm and 4.30pm
These meetings will be in the form of DROP IN Sessions to provide an update on the progress of discussions with ARGYLL & BUTE HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE PARTNERSHIP on the future for STRUAN LODGE and to obtain observations
In May 2017 the Integration Joint board of Argyll & Bute Health and Social Care Partnership agreed that time should be given for discussion to take place with the Struan Lodge Development Group to consider the points set out in that body’s Strategy document which presented a case for continuing twenty-four hour care at Struan Lodge and further developing the facilities there and at the Cowal Community Hospital with a view to creating a centre of excellence in adult care for the people of Cowal.
In August 2017 a Struan Lodge Redesign Project Group was set up and since then has met on four occasions and created two sub groups to investigate and report on specific issues. These sub groups were set up after considering the priority issues for the Redesign Project Group. These priorities were determined in order to meet the timetable for reporting back to the Integrated Joint Board in March 2018 and to be in a position to offer the required savings in the operation of Struan Lodge while giving time to review the medium and longer term services that would be needed to meet the needs of the people of Cowal given the anticipated demographics for the area while meeting the Scottish Governments targets for providing care in a manner which would allow people to remain in their own homes rather than be cared for in hospitals or residential care facilities.
This being the case the Struan Lodge Redesign Project Group decided that there were three key areas to initially concentrate on and these are:-
The development of day services to a wider clientele throughout Cowal
The use of Struan Lodge for provision of reablement services that will help reduce the number of days spent in hospital awaiting discharge and the use of Struan Lodge to reduce unnecessary admission to hospital, a process known as Step Up/Step Down
That the Health and Social Care Partnership and the Struan Lodge Development Group reach an agreed position regarding statistical data which sets out the forecast demographic figures for Cowal and how this will impact on the forecast needs for care.