Written by Victor Thomas on 16/11/2019
The organisers of the Peter Pan Panto have indicated that without a principle sponsor new ways of raising funds to cover the cost of Dunoon’s “Biggest Theatrical Ever” will be looked at

The organisers of the
Peter Pan Panto have indicated that without a principle sponsor that to raise
funds to cover the cost of Dunoon,s “Biggest Theatrical Ever” they are
considering a Peter Pan Auction to take place after the event when props and
memorabilia including the producers “Story Book” will go to the highest bidder. It has also been suggested that this could be held as a Musical Event and
where better to hold it than The Queens Hall. Whatever the outcome DCR97.4FM
will be here to support and we are certain the rest of the community will join
us .
It didn’t go unnoticed that when Producer Don Mcneil and his Artist wife Jean
Bell where explaining his “Story Book” to listeners as they reached the end of
chronicles they realised there were a few blank pages. Could it be waiting for
the chronicles of Peter Pan “The Auction”