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DCR97.4FM GETTING READY FOR CELTIC CONNECTIONS WITH CELTIC MUSIC RADIO 95FM January 15, 2018 NEWS RELEASE CELTIC MUSIC RADIO – LIVE FOR MORE THAN 150 HOURS AT CELTIC CONNECTIONS CELTIC Music Radio is set once again to play a major role in Celtic Connections – 10 years since it launched […]
Regular visitors to the Glasgow Royal Concert Hall over the last week during Celtic Connections especially in the morning would not have missed that the venue was very popular with young children of primary school age in fact hundreds of youngsters . On Tuesday morning as Dcr97.4 presenters made preparations to broadcast live from the […]

Tonight Iain will be on Victors show after 6pm talking about his book then great sounds and mindless chat from 7pm on Perpetual Dreams. Listen live on TuneIn Radio (download the app or online @ TunIn.com) and search Dunoon Community Radio “I didn’t realise at the time that at the end of a day’s walking on […]
This year will see DCR for the eight-year bringing listeners news and broadcast from the biggest Celtic Connections up to date as it celebrates it’s 25th Anniversary from Glasgow courtesy of our sustaining service Radio Station Celtic Music Radio. Celtic Music Radio 95FM is like Dunoon Community Radio 97.4FM a charitable community radio station dedicated to serving […]
Glasgow’s annual folk, roots and world music festival, Celtic Connections celebrates Celtic music and its connections to cultures across the globe. From 19 January – 5 February 2017?, 2,100 musicians from around the world will descend on Glasgow and bring the city to life for 18 days of concerts, ceilidhs, talks, art exhibitions, workshops, and free events. Celtic […]
Welcome to the Rock, Metal & Prog Show blog. Keep an eye out for information of forthcoming shows, events and anything I think you’re going to love including links to new singles, videos and artists. Cheers Mark
Chaill sinn sàr Ghàidheal gu h-obann Diardaoin an 4 latha den Fhaoilleach agus ‘s e buile uamhasach a th’ ann am bàs Iain MhicLeòid aig 66 bliadhna a dh’aois, agus bi ionndrainn mhòr air a chuid dìchill agus dealas ann an saoghal na Gàidhlig. Ach ‘s ann dhan dlùth theaghlach a th’ air am fàgail […]
3rd JANUARY 2018 – 3.00PM – 4.00PM Wednesday I’ts all things Astrology and good music Lynne says “My next broadcast will be on the 3/1/2018. I will be looking at the signs of Aquarius and Pisces. I shall also start work on the houses of a chart and the area’s of life they cover, all this […]
Tune in to 97.4fm Dunoon Community Radio at 10.00pm when we join our Big Brother Radio Celtic Music Radio to see in the bells with live broadcast from the CMR95FM studio with Gordon Hotchkiss & Liz Clark right through to 1 am in 2018! For the crack / for your messages / for the […]